One option for a Patio Door.
Should you put a roller shade over a patio door in your Reno area home? Most of the time the answer is NO! In some circumstances though, you can. Here is one such circumstance. If you notice the embedded video, you will see that we put a solar screen roller shade on a slider. As is explained in the video, this customer doesn’t use the slider as a door, but rather, as a window. Since the room has roller shades on all the other windows, doing the same type of treatment makes sense. Had they used the door for its intended purpose, a roller shade, which is done in a horizontal format, would have been a bad choice. That is usually what I tell people too. So, this raises a question. Let’s say that they wanted continuity for their roller screen shades. What could they have done to coordinate the whole thing together?
Solar Screen Roller Shade on Slider
I would have suggested a panel track system. Most companies are making a version of this type of treatment. Hunter Douglas has their Skyline system, and most others use a different type of track system. One thing to remember about patio door, or sliders, is that they tend to be very large. Typically, they are the largest opening in your home, so what you choose is very important. If you make a bad choice, it can be a real headache, either in its operation or in the look you create in the room. The client in this video was extremely happy with the result. We will be posting a new blog in the next few weeks showing a before and after of this room after we put some custom wood valances over the top of the patio door to match the decor of the newly remodeled kitchen.