There are many ways to work window shades, but retractable cords are the least known. For this job using the Alta Window Fashions Dual Shades they were the right choice. This blog will give a couple of reasons why. If you want to see how they work, please watch the video.
When shades are ordered, we have to determine the best choice for their use. In this case, we had to choose between manual and motorized operation. If we had used motorized options, any of the choices would have worked, but manual controls had an issue. We had two choices, but one of them would have caused an issue. That issue would have been if we used the continuous cord loops.

Retractable Cords Are The Right Choice
Can you visualize the issue? This is an important thing to understand. Look at the photo attached above, or the side. (I can never tell based on your device.) Do you see how I am pointing at the gaps between the shades? This is very relevant because there are 3 shades, side by side. Because of this, if you were to have ordered the shades with a continuous cord loop you would have had to attach the child-safety cord at the bottom of the window.
Just imagine how that would affect things. First of all, every time you raised the shades to the top of the window you would have this double cord obstructing the clarity of the view to the outside. The other issue that comes to mind is about the technicality of getting the perfect height of the cord drop. You have to have tension on continuous cord loops in order for them to allow the mechanism to work. Personally, in my experience, this is nearly impossible.
We therefore chose the rectractable cord system because it has less visual obstruction and doesn’t need to be attached to the window like the continuous cord loops do.
Which Is The Right Choice For You?
If you have exactly the same window configuration, I’d suggest using the retractable cord solution as well. But my reality is that you probably don’t, therefore, please contact us to help you make the best choice for your needs. Thank you very much for reading our blog.
About Us
Kempler Design is located in Reno NV and serves the northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe regions with a mobile design showroom. Paul Kempler, its founder is considered a window fashions expert. Kempler Design has been featured in many prestigious projects, including the HGTV dream home in Lake Tahoe. Kempler Design works with homeowners as well as interior design firms looking for a local contact in the Reno/Tahoe area or is available for travel.