Roller Shades Are Very Popular
This post is about shades on angled windows. Let’s dig in. The most popular window covering currently at the beginning of 2023 is the Roller Shade. It is sleek, efficient and cost effective. The issue that sometimes comes up is if the roller shade can be used for all windows. The obvious answer is no. There are potentially many reasons why a roller shade won’t work on a particular type of window. In a little bit I will list some facts that you will have to consider. Please watch the video to see how we did the first step in covering these angled windows with roller shades.

Roller Shades Covering Angled Windows
Some Obstacles for Roller Shades
If you look at the gap at the top of the windows, you can see that there is quite a bit of space above the window. This gives us the ability to place the shade above the window. Keep in mind that we are going to be placing a valance over the top of the shade to hide the roller shade from the view. Now, keep in mind that in many homes, there is very little space over the window, so a roller shade may not be able to function.

Is There Enough Room
Notice the drawing that I’ve done over the photo. It shows you that you have to have the correct amount of ceiling space in order to make roller shades, or other types of window coverings, work. In the photo you can see that if the ceiling were the black line, then the shades on angled windows would not have enough space to work.
Other issues that roller shades face is the size of the window. We tend to show all the glorious solutions that we come up with, but we don’t share all the issues we have to overcome. For example, there are hundreds of different roller shade materials available on the market. But all of those fabrics are different. Some can handle widths over 10 feet wide, while others barely can cover 6 feet.
So, what this means is that we have to be very careful about which fabrics will work for a project before we start actually selecting one.
What to Look Forward To
This is only the basic view of what the completed project will look like. We are adding draperies and a valance over the top of the window. It is going to give it a very finished look that gives our client exactly what they were desiring. The goal was to have roller shades on angled windows that will come down in the early morning to prevent the sun from blasting in. After the sun is no longer hitting the interior, the shades automatically lift to the top where they will be hidden from view. We will be posting the finished look shortly.
If you have a project of any type that you would like our assistance on, then please contact us so we can see if working together will be mutually beneficial. Thanks for your time.
About Us
Kempler Design is located in Reno NV and serves the northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe regions with a mobile design showroom. Paul Kempler, its founder is considered a window fashions expert. Kempler Design has been featured in many prestigious projects, including the HGTV dream home in Lake Tahoe. Kempler Design works with homeowners as well as interior design firms looking for a local contact in the Reno/Tahoe area or is available for travel.