Frequently Asked Questions About Our Contemporary Window Treatments
Why is Kempler Design the right company for my project?
At Kempler Design, we design based on your needs. We work to understand your unique sense of style, which we combine with your functional needs, creating the perfect solution to any design dilemma.
How do the prices at Kempler Design compare to those of competitors?
Our rates are very competitive, but it is our belief that we also offer exceptional service. It is our goal that after your initial consultation, you will have no need to look elsewhere for your project needs.
After working with Kempler Design, we want you to feel that you have received the best possible service and value. We spend plenty of time with our clients in order to fully understand our shared project goal. With about 30 years of experience, we can provide you with a variety of tools to assist in your decision-making process.
How can I be certain that my window treatments will be professionally installed?
To ensure that each installation is handled professionally, Paul Kempler does it himself. By doing so, he can personally guarantee each installation. Paul has been installing window treatments for thirty years and has received personalized training from an assortment of companies. His expertise also allows him to predict and account for potential installation problems, saving time and money.
Does Kempler Design have a certain ‘style’?
No. At Kempler Design, we design for our clients, based on our clients’ needs and wants. In fact, we consider it a compliment that, unlike other designers, we’ve been told our range of completed jobs is so varied. We work with our clients to create the perfect, client-based solution to any design problem.
Once I order, when can I expect my products to arrive?
It varies, depending on what is ordered. For example, blinds can often come in under one week, while custom drapery orders may take up to twelve. A good rule of thumb for delivery times is to allow two weeks for hard window coverings, such as blinds and shades, and six weeks for custom fabric work, such as bedding and draperies.